Contextual Process Digitalization, Changing Perspectives – Design Thinking – Value-Led Design


The following case study shows how some of the previously described BPM concepts, methods and languages were used to improve a core process of a company. On the basis of the individual aspects of the open BPM cycle their instantiation and intertwining will be demonstrated as occurring in a real industrial development project. In the following, the course of the project is described in a structured way. The respective activities of the bundle of activities in Figure 8.1 are noted in the margin of the use case description. The activities of each activity bundle are not only carried out with a high degree of overlap, there are also frequent shifts with respect to the considered focus throughout the project.

Contextual Process Digitalization: Changing Perspectives – Design Thinking – Value-Led Design
Stefan Oppl
Stefan Oppl
Professor for Technology Enhanced Learning

My research interests include technology-enhanced learning, socio-technical systems design and HCI